Your Votes
Votes allow players to participate in the governance of their district.
Votes are:
local - so players have political power in the place where it affects them.
temporary - so votes do not passively stack, but reflect recent engagement.
The conditions for receiving votes are:
the player must be resident in the district.
the player must be job rank 9 or above in at least one job in the district.
the player must have $NMC stored in their wallet.
Vote allocation is proportional to $NMC stored in the player's wallet. It doesnβt matter in which district they earned the tokens, or whether they acquired them on the open market, players can only vote in the district in which they live at the time of the vote.
Votes are distributed simultaneously for all players, once a week according to the number of $NMC tokens currently held in the player wallet.
Votes are only valid for the week in which they are distributed, and then they expire.
Voting is by simple form. Each player can submit one form per week. The form may be submitted at any point during that week.
To keep things simple, votes cannot be split between choices, ie. all a player's votes for the week will count as block votes for the choices they have made. At the end of the week, all votes are tallied and the most popular choices are enacted immediately.
Last updated