Your Career
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Your career is measured in job ranks. For every different job type a player completes, they appear in the job rank for that job.
Your job rank dictates:
the amount of CASH you receive in salary for doing a job.
the amount of $NMC you earn as bonus once a week for that job.
whether you are able to vote in the District DAO that week.
access to higher level Events.
Within the district, each job type is split into ten Ranks. Each rank of each job type is represented by a separate leaderboard. The leaderboards are driven by XP. The more XP you earn, the higher up the corporate ladder you will climb.
Each rank up gives out higher rewards and privileges. Each rank up has fewer places available for players. There might be hundreds of Beat Cops, but thereβs only ever one District Chief of Police.
Only players in job ranks 9 or above qualify to earn $NMC or to receive votes, so that only engaged players will earn tokens and participate in governance. Job rank 10 contains any new or inactive players.
Careers rise and fall. There will always be somebody below you who wants your place, and will be only too happy to usurp you.
Once a week, there is a corporate restructuring. The top players in each rank will be promoted and the bottom players will be demoted.
When the restructuring is resolved, the leaderboards are reset, the rewards are given out and the competition starts again.